

Week in the Life - Friday

Friday we got up before the alarm.
I changed Jones and he requested to eat.
We ate cereal and jones also had yogurt.
I started working.
Jones wanted to read books on my lap.
So we woke daddy up.
It took us three times.
I went to work at my desk and the boys hung out.
Around noon Dustin went to have lunch with a friend.
Jones was napping but woke up probably 10 minutes later.
He and I went to subway for lunch walking for exercise.
We split a chicken sub.
For the record jones doesn't want to eat bread.
We walked home.
Dad resumed watching jones and I went back to work. 
I worked until about 2:30.
We then went to target to get jones new things for school.  ( he starts school Monday.)
We bought him two new outfit both pairs of shorts on clearance.  
A case of diapers and wipes for school.  The school says they allow cloth diapers but I am planning to introduce those later.
We also got a few other things.
We came home unloaded stuff.
Met friends for meatballs at Mimi Blue which by the way is totally the meatball shop. 
I enjoyed my meatballs in garlic sauce and jones enjoyed the spaghetti noddles and his strawberries. 
Dustin got the special pizza meatballs and mashed potatoes.  He said mine was better
We also splurged on dessert.  
Mine was excellent almost a blondie with the sauce.
Jones enjoyed the cookie part.
We came home instead of walking around because jones was exhausted.
We gave him a bath and put him to bed.
I relaxed on the couch and read my book.
I fell asleep myself.
I did wake up around 9:30 and folded a load of laundry and then resumed reading.
Dustin watched tv.
Eventually I finished my book and went to bed around midnight.
Ps The Dirty Life was good.
Dustin stayed up and later jones woke up (he's getting molars and has been waking up occasionally).
They both came to bed with me.

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