


Jones has been sick for over a week now.  Probably the sickest he's ever been.  He's been a devoid of all energy.  No desire to eat, and most times even play.  Per the doctor he has double ear infections, a virus and thrush.  
We've spent the time reading books and snuggling on the couch.  We cuddle for naps and give him antibiotics 4 times a day.  We drink lots of fluids mostly milk he's not interested in much else although he does enjoy liquid jello.  He has many explosive diapers and I feel like I am cleaning every blanket, every pair of pants, every surface because I cannot handle the smell.  
We practice making animal noises and I teach him new animals to add to his arsenal like the crocodile and wolf.  We also try and sing the alphabet song.  He likes to hum along but makes no attempts at letters.  We also work on identifying his people on the wall of pictures in the living room.  He points out Auntie Lita, Daddy, grandma, baby (himself), Joe and sometimes Auntie Lo.  He refuses to find mommy.  Go figure.  
Today finally he feels better.  He eats a normal meal for breakfast.  He wants to play puzzles, blocks, cars, and in his house.  He helps me fold all the clothes of his I have purged of the sickies.  He has a little excitement in his steps and kisses me with joy as we play.
This is real life.  These are the moments.

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