

18 Months of Jones

This month we were a few days late but jones did get to wear his Christmas sweater.  He didn't really want to have his photo taken he wanted to play.  But I don't blame him.  Something to note last December he wore these same pants and they were long now they fit perfectly! He has some massive thighs back then and cloth diaper bubble butt.  
Dear Jonesy -
At 18 months you are a barrel of fun.  You are full of hugs and smiles and jibber jabber.  
You are starting to do things that you shouldn't to test our rules and it's hard to give timeouts and stick to No, but we are working on it.  
You weigh 26 lbs 10 oz according to the U.S. postal scales.
I think you are about 32 inches tall but I am not sure - I haven't finished your measuring ruler.
You love to dance and have some new moves picked up at school "we all fall down" and "chicken dance".
You also learned to walk backwards and March at school and sometimes we march from room to room at home.
You know so many new words I have lost track of them.  But I love when you repeat a big word I didn't know you knew.
Christmas is super fun with you and we are proud of how you do each activity.  And get excited for things.
Daddy took you on daddy Jonesy date to the chuckecheese and you had a great time.
Daddy is very excited when you greet him when he comes home from work.
Daddy also is noticing that you play him because he gives in to you.
Mommy sees you learning new things daily.
Mommy and you talk about the new baby coming soon.
Sometimes you seem to understand like you told daddy the baby was in your belly the other day & sometimes you tell him mine.
Mommy and you have been working on projects and you get very excited when I break out supplies.
Keep growing our little boy you are such a joy.  
Love mommy
PS.  mommy also made you this sweater considering it craft project 5!  

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