

WIP - oh so many projects

Let's start with something that has moved forward maybe the most.  The nursery for baby Thea.  Everything's painted except the trim.  I have washed a million little things.  I got the decor hung up.  And her little rocker out.  I am still sorting through donated clothes we don't need and figuring out where to put things.  This is why this side of the room looks like this.  I am also on the look out for bedding for the twin bed.  But alas we got a bed.  My hope is to get the clothes to re-gift moved out, and new bedding by the weekend.  I do however love how it's coming together.  
I also have been gathering Thea's quilt fabrics.  But I need a few more.  Finding just the right pink is a real challenge.  I do have a plan for what I want the pattern to be however.
Speaking of quilts I have moved ahead on this gift quilt. I am actually quilting it now.  Such a sense of accomplishment to finally be working on a creative project again after being sick for over a month having almost zero energy and just generally feeling yucky.  Sorry for the junky photo can't be showing the whole thing though.
I also have been working on Jones's baby book.  As I do it I am so grateful for this blog and the little posts I have written since he was born.  Moving forward I want to make sure and write more stories and share more little snips of our life. So I have moments to include for him.  I want him to know that he calls apples app-balls and bananas bee-nannies and how he's been practicing his basketball game and is attempting further away shots and making them from his knees like daddy.  These are important things.
I probably have 8 other projects in the works but no time to recap everything these are some of the biggies.  

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