

Tuesday 10 - Posted On Wednesday

This was totally queued up last night and I never got it posted so here's a Tuesday 10 on Wednesday.  

1. Reading Handmaids Tale

2.  Dear Stella - Dark and Stormy Fabric.  Those sharks.  Those pirates.

3. Back2School Shopping.  I got some good deals on things mostly for Jones.

4. Cooler Summer days.  It's been low 70s.

5. Prayers - at church Sunday two people prayed for me one who randomly just felt the need to without even knowing me.  It was so sweet.

6. Breaking out my Hexies again.

7. New pants on sale at TJMaxx

8. Clean sheets

9. Kids at Skate Park

10. Slip N'slide

1 comment:

  1. love the fabric. what are you doing with it?
