

Hello February

It’s February a new month.  I have serious winter blahs! So it’s a new opportunity for me to state a few mini goals:
  • Blog more (like there’s 28 days in Feb I am shooting for 15)
  • Create some good lists, its sooo easy for me to get trapped into the drama, and I need more good less drama
  • Meal planning (I did this this last week and it was soooo helpful).
  • Do something uncomfortable
  • Get in those steps, lately I have been way off on step count thru the week,  so I am going to attempt to up the count by pacing on conf calls, or getting up earlier for a fast walk, or walking the long way etc.
  • Van shopping - time to get serious about getting rid of this awful car.  
  • Order photos from 2017.
  • Buy new underwear 
That it for now it’s not exactly an exciting list but it’s a need one.  

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