

Theaburf 24 Months Way Late

I am way late posting this although the pictures are old.

Dear Thea lady 
At age 2 you are finally getting real hair. 
you have opinions about everything. 
you use you song voice when thinking. 
you are resilient, strong, determined, and sooooo energetic.  
you love watching Wheels on the Bus.
You frequently request to wear kitty pants.
you eat dipping sauce with a spoon. 
You enjoy playing babies.
You like reading books especially Cinderella and 3 bears.  
You love running especially away from mommy!  
Also you enjoy being “first”.
You want to do everything Jones does, but you also bring your own twist or try to go further or do more.
You think rain boots go with everything.
You love vegetables and salad but usually don’t bother much with meat.
You struggle wanting to go to sleep.
You bring so much joy.
Love you so, mommy

1 comment:

  1. Better late than never .. where did you take those wonderful pictures!
