

Reds Game

A Reds Game was on our bucket list.  I pre purchased the tickets thru our local little league as a fundraiser they did.  
We took snacks and beverages with us it’s totally allowed it also saves like $4/bottle of water.  We got there a little late because We had to wait in line at will call. My kids didn’t mind.  Jones was very fascinated by the whole experience - the ball park, the people, the game, the boat in the outfield, homeruns, songs, the teeshirt shooting gun.  He was very entertained and we run into his friend Luke. Thea was less entertained and wanted to crawl under the seats and play in the aisle.  Next time I would say she probably should stay home 2 year olds aren’t really ideal for ball games. But we had a great time and Jones asked if he could go again - so winning.  

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