

A Parade Service Project

Kathleen asked us a while back if we could help her with this parade a while back.  She was doing it with her foster agency/company so I am considering this a service project.  
My kids wanted to wear costumes but the 100 degree heat index made them pair them down, although i think jones looks a little like spanky from little rascals.  Her companies theme was Bubbles and that seemed to work well my kids handed out candy and shot parade goers with bubble guns, while i pulled them in the wagon.  By the end of the parade however we were drenched in sweat so we didn’t even check out the festival.  

We also got to hit up the museum while in town and see super hero exhibit and hot wheels one.  My kids continue to be in love with the outside part especially tennis so we also hit that up.  And we spent the night at auntie Kathleen’s so that was something to cross off the bucket list. 

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