

9 - Unfinished Quilt - Heart for the Ross’s

Over two years ago when my life seemed to be drama city.  I was spending over $400/week for daycare on one income.  And out of the blue my friend Kari says “do you need a sitter for the summer?” - I couldn’t accept her offer fast enough.  I hadn’t even talked to her in several months.  I truly do believe that god provided her for that summer so I could then research and find another daycare that was more affordable.  But also so we could bless each other.
But she was a true blessing for me she came to my house and her then foster (now adopted) kids were roughly a year younger and two years older than mine.
She has taught me that mothering isn’t always perfect and that being a single mother is hard but we gotta lean in and stick together.
Anyhow at least 100x she has asked me if she could buy a quilt from me.  I continually have told her no.  But secretly I have been making her one.  I was hoping to have it finished by the time she adopted her kids.  But I missed that date this past winter, but better late than never right.
This pattern is all 5inch squares made into a heart with low volume trim.  It’s entirely scraps except for the back. 
I quilted in “the Ross family” someplace but I doesn’t really stick out in the free motion quilting of the heart
It has a good crinkle after getting washed.
Can you see where I stitched in “the Ross Family” - it’s hard to see but it’s there. 

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