

December boom

December just exploded upon us.  We have seen three Santa’s!  And been wearing holiday attire.  Dug out most of the decorations.  It’s seriously looking a lot like Christmas.  
I love this time of year and I love it more with kids.  They are so into everything.  Our little town did a winterfest and my kids were totally into it.  Ice skating, cocoa, trees, lights, reindeer, Santa, carols and sleigh rides.  Everything is free and such a fun time.  I love Thea’s little vintage holiday dress.  
We also went and saw scuba Santa at the aquarium.  Thea was totally into talking to him on the microphone. She desperately needed to correct herself as the day before she asked Santa for a My Little pony but she really wants a Dollhouse which she calls a Barbie Camphouse.  
We look forward towards more holiday festivities!

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