

Two more hikes

Well since we have officially been social distancing 8 days we have gone on two hikes at the local state park.  They weren’t long maybe 20-30 minutes plus we did some exploring too another 20 minutes or so.  
We did the Sugar Bush trail up to the point where there was a massive mud pit and turned around the other trail wasn’t a real trail just where someone made a path as there was no signage and it ended maybe 10 minutes up in a thicket of thorns. 
I guess if there’s an upside of the coronavirus it’s that we have been getting in nature more.


March Hike

One of my goals was to get the kids out hiking.  In March we took our first hike we went to the swinging bridge with cub scouts.  It was muddy, but fun.  Although I must admit I am not really into hiking.  I will say i do prefer when there’s a hike to something like to the bridge.  
We found this beaver lodge Theas standing with here.    


New house...

We are currently under contract to buy this girl.  I look forward to making her our home.  More on this soon.