

Remainder of Ike

stopped by Indiana today while I was busy doing laundry and cleaning out my closet. I was oblivious to the windstorm. When I went out to return our dvds I never watched I noticed we now have some new porch furniture on the side porch - not sure where it came from as neither of the neighbors are missing theirs and the across the street neighbors have a big privacy fence. In addition I also have someone bushes that turned up in my rose bushes. While I was out I saw much of the same throughout the grove. Nothing of ours seemed to blow away although most everything is in our fenced in yard. The wind was almost 70mph funny that I didn't notice it in the least bit. Well I better do the dinner dishes now. Later


  1. It is really sad that you guys got more rain up there then we did down here!!

  2. hard to believe that Ike was still so powerful ... are you keeping the furniture???

  3. Sounds like your reaped some benefits from the storm. We didn't fare so well. Check my blog.

  4. Hey, wait! We lost some lawn furniture in Surfside. Do you think it's mine?
