

The Return of the Weekly 4

I haven't been posting my lists like I should be and today while I was fixing lunch I thought of a topic for this weeks list. It's funny how things to blog about strike you at the weirdest times. Anyhow without further ago I give you the weekly 4.
4 things I love about working from home:
  1. No dress code. - Quite literally I can wear whatever I want. I don't have to work that my monkey PJ bottoms don't match my volunteer t-shirt, or that my jeans are ripped and holey.
  2. I don't have to sit at my desk. - Yes that's right I can sit where ever I feel like. Today I'm outside on the side porch yesterday I was working on the livingroom couch. Shoot I don't even really have to have a desk although I like to keep my expense reports in a central location so they reside on my desk.
  3. Showers can occur at breaks or noon. - Seriously who doesn't like to roll out of bed and be at work? I relish these moments and if I didn't get up to workout I would likely get up at 7:59 (some days I do actually).
  4. No commute. - From the vantage point of someone who hops over 10 states to commute this is fabulous. Yesterday when I was done I closed my laptop and went right to clipping the hedges no packing up, cleaning the desk, no red lights, no school buses, no traffic. Awesome.

Other favorites that didn't make the list, doing laundry during conference calls, listening to my radio supa loud, limited interruptions, and grilling out for lunch. Now don't get thinking it's all good; there are the downsides like lack of human interaction, not having a clue what they are talking about in a meeting, and you are always at work when you are home, and the like but it mostly rocks.

Happy Thrusday People from Someone working on her porch!

1 comment:

  1. Sound like heaven to me, but I'd be afraid I wouldn't be disciplined to actual work, KWIM? I'd be too busy doing laundry, cleaning, scrapping, so I could relax in the off-hours! Have fun though!
