

Best of 2009 - Jones and Co. Quotes

I have been sitting here thinking about the next list while my stew stews (I made us stew for supper). I was thinking maybe I could post - Best Books - but I only really read four books all year and I can't say any of them were the best although The General and Mrs. Washington was pretty good if you like history - I also read one about Charles the I but I haven't a clue what it was called something like Sending him to the Scaffold?? who knows but if I was writing a book about him I might have titled it that - these books by the way were my #44 on my list. So anyhow if you like history you should check them out - I really enjoyed reading about the Washington's. Anyhow I digress so here's today's best of list - Jones and Co. Quotes. These are all things someone in the Jones and Co clan said this year I know I started logging them in my blackberry -

8. "What's wrong with shaking the baby" - Said Katie
7. "What are you doing fingering the punchbowl?" - said Jono
6. "The steelers are losing because Big Ben knows his mom isn't watching him." - said Momo of her A son Ben Rothlisberger
5. "Give the Cyclist wide birth" - said JJ
4. "are you Italian?" says random girls to the schreve to which he responded "do I look f&*%ing Italian?"
3. "Port Union has the nicest trailer park seen all day" - said Momo
2. "If I had the name Warren Zevon I'd be a rockstar" - said Katie - to which jono responded "Katie Jones isn't rockstar enough?"
1. "I only like to get with JJ when he's gay." - said Jono

1 comment:

  1. He he. Great quotes. Tell Jono he's on my blog today. I mention you too. twice. :) Happy New Year to the Jones compound.
