

New Years Eve Happenings

Starting from the begining of the day. I had brunch with my fabulous friend Julie at Tulip Noir which I think is a organic natural food restaurant - it was EXCELLENT - I had falling water blooming tea - you must try it - yum and super cool. I also had the quesadilla which was really quite lovely although not very quesadilla like. Julie also make her christmas presents and she brought me some lovely things she made me (see below).
Cookie Cutters with treats.
My own felted bag. Isn't it the cutest ever?
After that I went to the Eiteljorg museum in search of the art vending machine and while I was there I thought I'd see the exhibits. If you ever go there I recommend getting the coupon out of the program prior to paying it will save you $2 and since it's really a museume you can see in 1-2 hours it's probably best also note they will validate your parking. It was a pretty cool museum but not really that large it would be better when it's warmer so you can see the outside gardens too.

Then I ran errands and came home and napped nothing like a good nap. And then jono and Ashley and I went out for supper - we wanted to try someplace new and decided on Great Divide which was closed but looks like an adoreable little shack so instead we went to Arnci's which is an italian place we passed near the "shack place". It's in this cute old deli storefront that James Whitcomb Riley once bought his salami in. The atmosphere was great but I can't say the same for the food - it was a bit pricey and I think the salad dressing was my favorite part. Although my dish was pretty good it wasn't anything special vegan place was better.

My photos of the restaurant sucked (thanks crappy point and shoot camera that I hate). but this is the front of the place where the deli used to be.
Then we went and saw super famous recording artist Brad Otto at this hole in the wall bar - we had to fight off the crowds so we could get right up close and see brad ;o). Brad plays some fun music (although the song about jono wasn't ready yet) and we enjoyed the opening act too although the openers opener was rather dull. We are hoping to get Brad to make a special appearance at a birthday party coming up.
Ash and Jono
Brad on stage (again with the junk photos dear camera I HATE you)

We rang in the new year there with a toast and it was a good time.

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