

A New Years Roadtrip - Georgetown, Kentucky

For New Years Mom, Lita & I took a roadtrip to Kentucky. We went to see Aunt Jo, Uncle Sam, and Nanny P. Almost two years ago now Aunt Jo and Uncle Sam moved into their custom built house. Before this they lived in Sam's family's civil war tobacco plantation home and as bittersweet as it was to be missing the history of the old house (which you can see from the porch and breezeway) - it is awesome that they were able to build a home custom for them. It's just perfect with hallways built for Sam's motor scooter and a place for Momlaw (sam's mom), a drive thru closet which allows for sam to drive in and get his clothes and gear, a craft room for aunt joe, the world's nicest shower built for more scooter accessibility, and an elevator and a piano room. There's even a house on the lower level where Aunt Jo's niece and her family live. It's such a nice arrangement and perfect for them and just like the old place you feel instantly at home.
We had a New years supper with almost all of the Perkin's crew they are all grown up and some have families of their own. They taught us to play a card game - Hand and Foot - ever played? We did some unexciting antique shopping and found nothing exciting. But we did pick jono up a cardigan sweater it's very mr. rodgers. Anyhow time for a few pictures...
Nanny P she is so cute in her hat. She wore it at church because she didn't want to mess up her hair it was so adorable.
And here's a picture of Aunt Joe from around about the time when mom first met her. Isn't she the cutest?
And a quilt made for Nanny P by her mom she got this for her birthday and her mom died like 7 days later (too sad).
And some christmas decor at Nanny P.'s
Nanny P's kitchen - her husband built all the cupboards way back when he also built rooms on her house. Look mom there's that baby frying pan.
And the rocking chair - I love this fabric isn't it pretty?
This is aunt Jo's new house - it's not a great picture of it but it was too cold for being outside for long.
Mom and Nanny P peeling potatoes.
Lita and momlaw. Leeland also made that corner cabinet and they moved it from the old house to the new.
Uncle Sam and his scooter.
When he saw me taking photos he wanted to be more lively - he's too cute and he's the most content person. He and I had a good conversation about the sink hole.
The christmas tree.
a elf
The tile in the foyer.
Me looking into the mirror that looks into the piano room - Joann is an awesome piano player.
A drive thru closet.
The dulcimer
Aunt Jo, Momlaw and Nanny P at the dinner table
I think that makes me caught up on the recent happenings although I'm sure I forgot something.


  1. Wish you could have stopped by for a chat while you were in KY. Glad you had a nice Christmas with family!

  2. We sure had fun didn't we?

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    looks like fun.
