

Happy 3-0 Russ!

I took some photos at Russ's 30th party a few weeks ago. We celebrated at Fountain Square and at Scotty's - both excellent places in Indy especially if you LOVE downtown. Anyhow we had a super fun time. Happy Birthday Russ!
I didn't get a single picture at Scotty's someone else did though I think anyhow here are some from bowling.
Me and Courtney self portrait style.
Russ and Julie and I
We haven't aged a bit in 12 years have we? Julie's in the middle and I'm sure you can pick me out from the bottom. Also photographed - Jenny G, Rachel, Lauren and Katy
And look here we are at Disney Russ is in the back row, me in the front there in the uber sexy cut offs aren't they lovely. Also photographed - Amanda and Wade. (unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any of me and Julie and Russ in the same photo from 12+ years ago - I thought there would be a big group shot but seems I don't have it if it exists).
And there's us again in 2010 - friends for 16 years = Awesome!
And here's our bowling team combined average was like 75 for the night. Julie, Jason, Me, and Ryan.
And this one cracks me up - what are we doing?
One more just for good measure.
Oh and another bonus point because pics with friends is on my list this year.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    LOVE that photo of you in the 3-D glasses, isn't it almost your birthday? - Kelli
