

Jono's Birthday Weekend (and #13)

Around here we like birthdays. This weekend was Jono's birthday weekend so we spent the weekend celebrating him. We need to reback and celebrate Lita yet but I might do that for her 18 1/12th birthday in September because things have been so busy around here and her gift hasn't come yet. Anyone so because we couldn't take our trip to Ocean City as originally planned because of baseball games we did the next best thing and did tapas and canoeing!  So first up Tapas + cake + birthday presents...
The Jones & Co crew pooled our monies so we could buy Jono an iPod for his birthday - I wanted to have it engraved how Jono got his groove on - but alas I needed to order it online for that.  So I wrote it in the card instead. I think in this photo he was singing "Hey Soul Sister" for uncle paul but maybe not.
Tapas is lots of small plates and I think it's confusing to people but I like it.   (note how confused people look?  Justin and Alex I think were so confused because of the spanish too that they just got drinks but we fed them anyway).

They sang jono happy birthday and put him on the spot I do so love that.
And we also went canoeing. Can I just tell you what a horrible canoer I am??? I suck yup that's right but what I discovered this weekend was - I might suck at canoeing but I'm a pretty good kayaker? I need less balance in the kayak or something anyhow that was #13 on my list so consider it DONE.  The place we went is straight out of a horror movie I swear it's literally like chainsaw massacre goes canoeing it used to be cuter now it's like you think someone is going to attack you when you are paying for your canoes.  I should have take more photos of the place sorry I only took a few and most were in the bathroom, as there was a bus seat in there and no doors on some of the stalls.  sketchy I tell you.
 But you know the canoe trip was fun.
Oh and there was this "near death" experience where joe and I navigated into a tree, and then some random other canoers hit us and capsized us. Luckily I grabbed the car keys and my camera before all our belongings went down the river like my shoe.  After that it was back to the kayak for me because canoeing is not my friend.
and oh boy am I burnt and sore today I smell like icy hot and aloe.  I have decided that sunscreen is pretty much not effective for me, but it does smell nice so I will keep applying daily.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time! Who knew that kayaking would be so different from canoeing -- I'll have to try that next time. Perhaps that's the real reason no one wanted to trade with us on Lake Bailey -- it really is harder! Sorry you didn't have more pictures of the wonderful kayak/canoe place ... it is fitting that the word verification I have to do for this post is "potti"! :D
