
Tuesday Tutorial - Canning Spaghetti Sauce (Yes that's right it's back!)

Sorry I have been a slacker with the tutorials I actually took pictures for like 10 but I never get to upload them on Tuesday. But this week I made a special point. For the record my mom and my grandma never taught me how to do this I just did a little research and did it on my own.  Although it does make me wonder if my grandma jones used to can things as I don't think grandma kelly did much other than jams.  But despite the fact I only got 2 jars from this batch of tomatoes I had the best time doing this and it makes me want to grow more tomatoes next year.
#1 - Gather Ingredients - I used lots of mine from my garden including this super awesome green pepper - Yum!
  • 10 -14 tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 onion, chopped (or three or four if you use the baby ones homegrown style)
  • 2 medium green bell pepper, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
  • 2 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp crushed red pepper
  • 1/4 cup red wine
  • 1 tsp parsley
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
#2 Chop up the chopables (notice how sexy they look on my blue counters)
#3 Blanche Tomatoes - blanche basically means drop them in boiling water until they split.
#4 - Remove promptly into an ice bath which needs to be in some super groovy Pyrex - I prefer the partridge pattern because it is my favorite one.
#5 When Cool Enough to Handle Remove Skin
#6 My Favorite part - Squeeze to remove the seeds (seeds = ick).
#7 Chop up about 3/4ths of the tomatoes and 1/2 the basil and put in blender.
#8 Puree (hehe I like that word) & chop remaining tomatoes
#9 Saute onions/peppers in oil and butter until onions are translucent - then add in tomatoes, puree, wine and spices
#10 Bring to boil then reduce to simmer for 1 hour.  Add in Tomato Paste then Simmer for another 1.
#11 In the meantime sterilize your jars, rings and lids. You really only need too for this much. (photo is misleading)
#12 Pour into jars and and add the jar lids and rings.  Tighten loosely - to ensure good seal submerge the whole jar into boiling water for 10 minutes that will do the trick - note the water should only be as tall as the rim of the jar or lower.  Jar will pop when sealed. And Ta Da Spaghetti Sauce.
Can you say Nifty!


thea said...

looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

yum! adding this to my list ;)