

#36 - Which should have been - "Do something with the Amazing Minniears""

Yup I crossed off #36 Do Something Amazing with the Minniears - this weekend.   I spent the last 4 days with my friends the Minniear Family.  And yes it should have been on the list as "Do something with the Amazing Minniears" - doesn't that have a nice ring to it?  It's like they are a super awesome circus act?  Of course Jodie might not want to be associated with the circus or the carnival but they are "truly amazing people".  I'm so glad I can call them my friends.  
I showed up and was greeted by Jodie who is all smiles and was fixing supper possibly for the whole neighborhood (but one cannot be sure), and I was given a Evan's lovely Taylor Swift - penthouse suite, and some Castle Football gear so I could be properly outfitted to cheer Logan and his football team on.  Dennis is quite the fan - he insisted we cheer for the offensive line because the don't get any credit and Logan plays for the defensive line - LOL!  He got so hyped up they had to warn him to simmer down.  They did score their first points of the year but sadly they were defeated. But WAY TO GO LOGAN!  I took some photos at the game however the memory card seems to be missing them??? Don't know what's up with that but Jodie is the team photographer so I snagged a few for you.
Photos by Jodie
The next day after some work I had lunch with Dennis and Jodie and then we hit the antique stores and flea market which sadly didn't have anything we couldn't live without however we did spy a "vintage" fredricks of hollywood garter which I made Jodie promise to get for me when I get married as well as the perfect dress for her to wear as well - and in true Jodie & Katie fashion there was some trying on of vintage hats.  Mine which could have very well been a synchronized swimming cap - yes Aunt Thea seriously I will will all sychro swimming competitions now.
Photo also taken by Jodie although on her phone.
After all that purchase-less shopping we headed to Kentucky to see our friend Stephanie.  She was ever so nice and had made us supper accidentally or on purpose whichever ;o)  And we made some cards with her and visited a while. Poor Stephanie broke her foot a few weeks ago but she was still as happy and cheerful as ever as were her boys.
Sadly no photos were taken :(
On Saturday after a super awesome homemade biscuits and gravy made by Dennis - we went got our cars washed by the football team fundraiser bright and early, then we hit yard sales and did some thrift store shopping where I scored this awesome vintage thermos for $2 - I'm not sure it was ever used.  Jodie found some goodies for her nieces and nephews, as well as a set of plates for $4.  Oh and even Evan and Carlos found some bargains - Carlos bought a fanny pack for $.25 - LOL!  
Back at the house Logan tried to teach me to play Call of Duty.  Which is a GIJoe video game - Logan was very patient trying to make it easier for my old schooler skillz  (I who grew up playing 2 dimensional Mario Bro's and Donkey Kong), but sadly I still cannot remember to turn my head when I move so I pretty much got shot up repetitively.
Finally the Schreve, Alicia and Lil Schreve arrived and we headed out on the boat.  Since it was late in the afternoon we pretty much had the river to ourselves and we tubed and swam and did the rope swing on into the sunset.  Alicia and Lita did the rope swing and they were much better and braver than me at it - pretty much everyone is I'm sure. Photos again were taken but cannot be found on this memory card? - so you will have to envision what we look like having a grand time.
Sunday we all got up Dennis made us more yummy breakfast and went to church together.  And then out for mexican food with Carlos's (Carlos is Jodie's faux mexican son).  We did take some photos there.
Then we had to dart off to Isiah's football game as we were having so much fun we were running late.  Little I  plays Corner Back for the Castle Youth Football league. And he did so good getting like 3 or 4 tackles or take downs whatever you want to call it.  He's #34 below (thanks to Carlos and Logan for taking the photos I need to send all 100+ to Jodie)
Evan was even able to play in half time with his nerd glasses on. Notice how these boys think that sticker makes them fresh?  I think it's dumb and wanted to rip it off the hats numerous times.
Oh and look Dennis was there too - we did get a picture of him. Did you know back in the day Dennis played football at U of I?
And Jodie had to work the concession stand although Dennis tagged her out so she could hang with us for a bit too. 
Thanks so much for having us Minniears we had a great time!  See you soon. 


  1. Can't wait for the synchronized swimming contest -- hope Jodie will also participate! I think the hats will guarantee both of you a win!! Looks like you had a great time!

  2. I don't know when I laughed more...reading this post or living it in real life. What a crazy, fun, awesome weekend we had with the Jones and Co! We loved having you all down for a visit and hope you add it to your to-do list every year!

  3. Well who knows I just might although perhaps we might have to add something to the list - like that Cliff Diving!
