

Cremona + Family #49 Check!

So we finally made it to Cremona (aka #49)- I wish we had had better circumstances for going East but you know sometimes even the worst laid plans can have bright spots I only wish that more of our family could have been there.  It's always great to spend time with cousins.  And now for some pictures...

Basset hounds are so goofy  - this one was particularly well behaved
grapes on the vine
cutting the grapes
cousin cody and the grapes - cody is my  buddy I can't wait to hang out with him next time I'm in DC
these are the grapes we eat not make into wine
and we lunch
the vineyard is on the water
Oh look there's Cousin Dylan
smashing the grapes
Jono and Cousin Emily with more smashing or is this anger management
Cus-Uncle Stevie pouring grapes
more crushing with cody and emily
Jesse desteming
more grapes to crush
grape baskets
the juice pouring from the cake
even the kids are into it.
and the kegs
and the bottles
cuz-uncle bruce man-handling the kegs - he said to tell everyone it's full.
and removing the grapes from the cake
then we went for crabs - can I tell you I don't like crabs - ick but everyone else loved them.
cody showed jono the appropriate etiquette

and then we walked to the end of the pier
and a little sunset shot

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