


Recently I spent some time in DC. My grandma has been ill and we had to move her from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility - she has Parkinson's plus.  I spent a lot of time with her at the hospital where I told her all about some of my recent adventures and I encouraged her to be positive and if she wanted to moan to use a new vowel not just 'oh oh oh' because it would be much more fun to say 'y y y' or 'e e e' - I'm sure you all agree. Anyhow I hope that at the very least I made her laugh and she enjoyed having me there.   I also got to visit Applebees with grandpa and hear some new stories which is always a treat.   And of course I got to see Thea and Paul, Rachel, Sara, Bruce, Andrew, Stephen, Kate and Rob - which is also an added bonus.
While I was there we did take a few photographs and I got to do more #14 and #38 on the big list - so wehoo!
This is me trying on my crazy eye patches.
grandma sleeping
Everyone assembling her new tv in the hallway at hillhaven with a pair of scissors instead of a screw driver (notice how I help by snapping photos?)

Yes I know exciting photographs.  Hopefully you can feel a little better soon grandma - hugs.

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