

New Month - New Big 4 Goals

Brand new month September.  Summer is ending fall is coming and I have been thinking of some big goals for the rest of the year - don't worry I am planning to continue on with my 52 mini goals too. I have been thinking really hard on what they should be and talking over it with various friends and family and I think I came up with some fun stuff:
1.  Finishing unfinished projects - I am not going to be specific because I think I have like 50 of these but I am going to put my best foot forward to finish them off
2.  Blog promotion - this is really jono's idea but the more we kick around ideas the more I think it sounds like fun
3.  Biggest Loser challenge - this is something I have been chatting with my friends and family about and I am still working out the details more later
4.  Learn something new - this is also a mini goal but lately I have been having a real desire to learn - I am not a traditional learner really I don't like to follow directions or really listen to lecture so I think this qualifies as a bigger goal.  Who knows what it will even be I am open to suggestions
So what do you plan to do with the rest of 2010?

1 comment:

  1. Well now I think I need some moccasins...unless it makes me dream I am an Indian. Isaiah has a bow and I guess I could go hunting in my side yard as it is big enough and full of squirrels. I'll let you know how it goes.
