


well not yet - but I'm heading home on a flight from Charolette in about 10 minutes. I feel like I've been wandering for days. My travels from the last two weeks by numbers
12 days
8 different hotels
2 houses
22 different cities in New England
3 States
1 new system deployed
$55.35 in tolls (approximately)
1,056 miles exactly on the rental
9 different offices
4 favorite new shops
1129 support calls (well I'm not sure that's accurate it was more like 129)
67 new friends (guesstimated estimate)

1 hellagood business trip but I can't wait to be home.  Back to ordinary work next week.  Luv ya!


  1. are you exhausted or just waiting for the next excitement??

  2. ready for the next location but I would like to sleep in my own bed for a few days.
