


This weekend we downsized Momo into a new rental.  Basically she now has 1/2 the amount of space before.  She also had to say goodbye to her washer/dryer, pantry, and garage.  But sometimes you need to give up things you enjoy to gain more things you'll enjoy - like she is so much closer to her friends and work.  She'll be able to have people over for dinner and sleep in later in the day.  She can also join the Rec center which she's been wanting to do - won't that be a blessing.  Anyhow we packed her all up and moved her to the new place.  We recruited some old friends to help too.  As usual a good time was had, but I am glad that this is the last time that the Jones and Co Movers will be moving Momo for a while :o).
Momo - here's to hoping you can enjoy your new pad - I think it's going to be awesome for you even if it's just short term.
And now for some photos...
We ordered pizza for lunch (you gotta feed the help). 
Jono doing some heavy lifting.
Jesse came to help (once upon a time like 18 years ago I used to babysit him and he was Jono's first friend in Indiana - I don't think I'd seen him in 10 years it was so awesome he was able to help).
This is how you drive a U-HAUL.
Not like this.
And this is the ONLY photo of me taken all weekend - anyone one know which foot is mine?
Momo is such a hoot - she keeps us in stitches - FYI this is not a hat.
Jono, Momo, and Jesse-o - in front of Momo's new place.
Oh and there's a photo of Jesse's girl too Ashlee it was great to meet her and hang out with her as well.
Last post of October - sorry I missed a few days but sometimes you just can't blog everyday.  More adventures soon but first I'm going to spend a few days at home and I might even work on the list Jono wrote up for me.

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