

Jones-Hershey Home Tour - 2010

I stayed with JJ and Chris for a few days when I was in DC recently. Seems I'm allergic to the kittens dander and or the kitty litter. But while I was there I was on the JJ and Chris home tour and I photographed it for you to see.  They live in Del Ray in this cute apartment building (next time you can get the JJ Point of Interest Tour II - Del Ray Edition). 
There back porch - they live on the top floor - note I did not photograph the steep steps.
A rubber ducky collection also lovely Fairy Soap in the bath room - such a nice touch boys.
I love love this tile isn't it so retro?
And the galley style kitchen.
Chris's magnet collection proudly displayed - I got Chris that super cool big boy one
Michigan rocks painting
JJ in the living room with Nelson - they have a stellar view of 711 people would kill for
Another view of the living room - there's JJ's books - I think the democrat pillow is such a nice touch

The guest room with a Union County Blanket
A super groovy moped their neighbor rides also good for a quick getaway.
Thanks and come again.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    yes please! come again soon!

    (bring allergy meds!)

    - jay

  2. I like staying there too but I did not like the drive through the twon in traffic.
