

Momo Circa 1969-1970

While I was at G&G's this weekend I picked up more photos for the Jones and Co Family Photos Project to give to JJ to scan but I didn't see JJ afterward so I just brought them home so I can scan.  Two of the photos were these gems.  These are momo's senior pictures taken around 40 years ago as I think she graduated in 1969 or 1970.  She looks just the same don't you think?  And don't you love that dress I'd bet that my grandma made it (just wait til you see what kind of spunk aunt thea was sporting at the same time).


  1. You are not allowed to post embarrassing pictures...

    love the pics of your mom though!

  2. Actually these were taken in 1975 in DryRidge, Ky and the dress was one I made myself!
