
Where in the World is Katie? also known as Praying for Joy

I am still in DC, well actually Takoma Park.  But I thought I would post a little bit about why I'm here - I think I mentioned before that most of the time - I blog about the best of life but sometimes I just blog about life, this would fall into one of those categories.
I am in DC helping to take care of my grandparents - they are having a bit of a rough time.  Hello Grandpa!
Recently my grandma's has not been in the best of health.  My grandma has a form of Parkinson's Plus which is a degenerative disease that impacts motor skills, things have not been going well for her.   I'm not even going to pretend to really understand the disease or her other ailments.  Nor I'm really that interesting in learning about it partially because medical conditions are not really my thing (I get a little grossed out), and partially because I am one of those people who doesn't want to dwell on things or your whole life will be consumed with medical conditions.  We can talk all day about how this disease will hinder grandma or even grandpa, however I would much rather talk about what she can do, or to sit around and talk and laugh about other things and enjoy moments in the yard listening to the neighbors music.  Grandpa is in better shape physically; however is very stressed out right now.  Grandma's downward slope has really hit him hard, he's unable to sleep well and he's very panicky.  Seeing a situation like this really makes you want to make sure that as we all grow older we plan for the future and hope that we have a good support system and will be able to provide for ourselves/loved ones.  It also makes me thankful for my siblings and the respect and love we have for each other and mom.
Anyhow this situation has been and will continue to be a real test to our family strength, bonds, relationships and patience.  It's really opened up lines of communication, and I hope it continues to bring the Kelly Family together a little more each day.
And as our faith, love, patience and endurance is tested  I am constantly reminded of a moment earlier this year when I was at Church with my cousin Mark, and this gentlemen stood up to share a story of his mother who died of breast cancer.  And as this breast cancer was slowly taking over her body and taking all of her energy and strength as this women had asked her family not to pray for her but instead to "Pray for Joy".  Which I think is such a strong yet simple message, and while she was dying she was not trying to be healed but rather to pray for joy for her family and friends.  I am not quite sure why this simple message really resonates with me but it does.  And as I learn how to use the hoist life, or how to roll grandma to prevent bed sores, or how the bedpan is used.  I am constantly thinking of joy.  How can I find joy in this situation?  I continually pray for joy and seek little nuggets of joy throughout the day and into the night. 
And to end this post before it turns into a super long ramble - a few thoughts for grandpa -
1) Happy Mack is better than Frustrated Mack it's also better and less calories than a Big Mac (ick)
2) Try and do something you enjoy every day even if you are stressed out
3) Try thinking or praying for joy as alternative to worrying you never know it might ease your mind
4) You are loved.
That's all for now here's to praying for joy in Takoma Park.  


thea said...


Anonymous said...

pray for joy.
love. it.
i want it on my wall.
(((HUGS))) katiej ;)

Jodie said...

Great post. That's a great way to approach life in the midst of turmoil. Your grandma is so blessed to have you there to help. I know you bring her joy!
Praying for joy for you all.

Anna said...

Well, I had to learn how to use those things as well but only the swish and spit grossed me out. I am sure that I was never called to be a nurse.
I also pray for peace and guidance and Jobs for Uncle Stuart.