

Pentagon Memorial aka The Hurry Up and Build It Memorial

On Thanksgiving JOno and I took Chris with us to see Memorials (because this is what we do on holidays).   I wanted to see the only Memorial in DC that I've never been to the Pentagon 9-11 Memorial.  And I must say I was very much NOT impressed.  I thought it might be more like the OKC Bombing memorial which is really very moving.  But this one just seemed to be like the "Hurry Up and Build It Memorial", which is quite sad really. 
I took some pictures so you can me...
This is the sign when you enter. 
Our feet where it sad September 11, 2001
These are the benches that represent the lives lost they are organized by year.
Apparently they are meant to be sat on however we felt a little awkward touching them because of the other people there.
There are this little reflecting pools underneath - this one had flowers left by someone.
Me and the Pentagon- you can see where the old limestone meets with the new Indiana limestone.
Another view of the benches.
Me on a bench.
Here is a rock and a flag someone left behind. 
And here's a view of it from the Air Force Memorial Hill - you can almost sort of see it.

Perhaps if I have time later I can post about the OKC memorial so you can see that one.

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