

Someplace New - The Saffron Cafe

We went out the other night to try someplace new in Indy, which is also on my list at #8 (which for the record we probably already did like 4 times this year).  We we ended up at Saffron Cafe which is downtown right near Mass Ave and Penn - actually like 2 block from my old apartment at the Ambassador.  The Saffron Cafe is a Moroccan place and we really enjoyed Moroccan food the last few times we had it, and can you really go wrong with a country's cuisine when they also have Casablanca?  Seriously no.
Anyhow we started out with an appetizer called the Bastilla which while it sounds like a dessert because of the almonds and honey it is not a dessert there's this meat inside and the filo dough it's made with is awesome.  It's very delectable I recommend it to anyone better than falafel although I'm sure they make excellent falafel at Saffron Cafe.  Jono ordered the cumin chicken tajine and I ordered the lamb tajine both which are served with bread.  Jono's had a lovely spicey flavor to it however it was as delightful as mine partially because the chicken isn't boneless.  My lamb tajine while it looks rather "ick" as it's a stewed lamb with peas and chickpea was lovely - my only regret is I didn't have room to eat it all.    Anyhow our experience at the Saffron Cafe was most excellent and we have to give it up to the waiter phil and the hostess and even the chef who poured the drinks, next time perhaps we'll get to go when there are belly dancers.  Oh and one more thing make reservations as the place is very small and cozy which adds to the atmosphere. Oh and before I forget some photos...
I love this wall it reminds me of the three wisemen traveling to see baby jesus.
This is the Bastilla - it's nuts on top then dough then filling then more dough then filling etc etc. excellent!
Oh and I had hot tea since it was like 15 degrees outside - isn't this tea set devine?
This is the Lamb Tajine - the bowls are also fabulous don't you think.
And jono with his cumin chicken tajine
And another picture from outside - oh DO NOT park in that lot it's for the apartments nearby.
Oh and these lights are fabulous my iPhone photos make them look rather bland but they are very colorful and fun.

1 comment:

  1. I admire the adventuresome spirit .. maybe Kelly can come up with some good ideas for places to try here ..
