

Thankful on Thanksgiving

Things I was thankful for on thanksgiving...
Sleeping on the top bunk at Sara and Bruce's
That momo made the rolls
That Jessie Ben, Rob and Andrew can rock
Thankful for going to memorials with Jono and Chris aka fuzzy bear
That grandpa could join us at Andrew and Jo's
For JJ and Chris's spiral staircase
Thankful for mocassins
Good friends 
Fantastic family
For a lovely appetizer tray by the these girls
For heartwarming and funny conversations with Walter and Ila (Ila reminds me so much of grandma)
Thankful for my job which has allowed so many adventures
and for being able to get to know my cousins better
For turkeys carved by the brucester and grandpa
For card games with my younger cousins and sister
Thankful for laughter
Meeting new people
Having very good gravy by dave
that uncle stevie can make his face look like the grinch
That grandpa was able to join us
Thankful for the ability to have game time
That I didn't have to watch football
Banana-gram games especially when I win!
Games of quelf with all it's goofiness
For really bad movies like Burlesque because what else would you do after stuffing yourself full of turkey?
Thankful for all of this and more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Katie for recording it all for posterity. I am thankful for you because I always forget my camera.
