

Best of Life 2010

Time for some awards for the Best of Life in 2010.  It was a year of ups and downs, but you know I had a blast and I wouldn't change a thing except maybe that trip the the San Jose Flea Market.  In keeping with the spirit of giving away awards for best-ness seen here are the winners...

* Best Lighthouse - York, ME
* Best Karaoke and Dance Moves - Chipshots (I wish I had a better picture)
* Best Big Thing - Jolly Green Giant (The coke cup was a close second but it was attached to a building)
* Best Laughable Experience - Thea, Katie and Lita - (I can safely say we are better off on dry land)
*Best Holiday Activity - Tree Getting and Trimming
* Best Covered Bridge - Vermont
* Best Foot Pic - Badlands
* Best Roughneck Football Playing - Logan (Isaiah is a close second & and I thought for a second about giving Big D an award for getting scolded).
* Best Hats - Midland Antique Mall
* Best Holiday Event - Thanksgiving Great Hosts + Great Food
* Best White Trash Activity - Monster Truck Rally
* Best Man on the Street Discovery - Stikman on Maryland (Oh and I almost got run over for this shot)
* Best Moving Truck Driver
*Best Photobooth Photo
* Best Remodel - Schreve/Steve's Room
* Best Rip Off Tourist Attraction - Mystery House
* Best Soup - Italian Wedding Soup
* Best Dancing in the Street - Momo I wish we had photos this will have to suffice
* Best Time at a Bar - Dreamland 

* Best Weekend Roadtrip - Ohio Cup
* Best Whacky Sporting Event - Wiffle Ball at the Sandstone Beach
Awards from last year.


  1. Great list of bests. I might take exception to the best lighthouse, but you are entitled to your opinion.

  2. I LOVE this post! Glad the Minniear's made it on there! twice!

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Can't wait for another family game of wiffle ball. With the family rules of course. - Jonathan

  4. I really think that the Eagle Harbor light house is the best light house. And I think that while dancing in the street is cool, the best thing I did all year was to get that Brad Otto event in under the wire.1
