

Painted Ladies, Chinatown and sightseeing in San Francisco

The other day I took the train into San Francisco to meet up with my friend Betsy and to see some of the city.  It could not have been a more perfect day in San Fran which is a city typically cold and foggy it was bright blue skies and a nice 60 degrees.  And Betsy is the perfect travel companion a naive to the city she knows her way around like the back of her hand and she even brought me a transit card so I could take the buses and trolley without having to pay.
We went and saw the painted ladies -  which are Victorian/Edwardian homes that are painted bright colors but in a tasteful manner.  I would love to live in a home someday with as much character and history as this. As a lover of architecture I really enjoyed this because not only are the painted ladies beautiful but the neighborhood surrounding is nice and the view from the hills awesome.  As we wandered around Alamo Park or Square or whatever its called I couldn't help but to sing the full house theme song in my head too.  ;o) 

I don't know if you can read it but right outside the painted ladies was my name on the sidewalk.   It was like it was written there specially for me to read. 
We also took the bus and missed our stop probably because I was talking and so we saw the view from some other neighborhood where we wandered into some shops and didn't get to sign our names in cement and then we grabbed some lunch. 

Then we went to Chinatown so I could get my soup spoons, coin purses,  and I also was compelled to get a knocking cat - yes that's right a knocking cat.  I bought a few other trinkets (I think I spent like $15) and enjoyed the sights, and smells that are Chinatown. 

Oh and look there's Betsy (I'm a bad friend as I didn't really take many photos of her and I didn't get a single one of us together).  Sorry Betz.
I made a new friend named He he was very friendly and was teaching me about jade and chinese luck.

We walked along the Barbary Coast Trail - which is really which is really just a path in the city.  This guy would not get his foot off the medallion. 
Oh and look there's Betsy again enjoying the sunlight and making sure I don't wander into the traffic because I'm not paying attention.
And because I took this picture and I don't even know how but I love it just the same - that is my hand I am sure with a car and it looks like the car is driving on one of my fingers.  I don't think I could repeat this if I tried.

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