

Best of Quotes 2010

Here's the Best of Quotes from 2010, we've been recording them in the phone I think in most instants you needed to be there but I still want to remember them so they are blog worthy ... 
January -
Someone to Aunt Jo - "who colors your hair".  
Aunt Jo -  "God colors my hair"
someone else "but it looks professional"
To which Aunt Jo replied "god is the best professional."
March -
JJ - "Why do you have a hammer and hatchet in the car?"
Katie - "Because its a family vehicle"

A - "Is there an app for the alcohol content of your beer."
Schreve - "Sprinkle a little on the phone and find out"
June - 
Jono - "You can have a mini horse in city limits."
Katie - "Good let's get one it can eat the weed that's not my strawberries"
Jono - "No it will eat your potato instead"

July -
Momo - "I want to go to the Ho-chunk casino because I am a chunky ho!"

September -
Katie - "I want a Reese ice cream".
Guy at mc donalds "no we only have oreo, m&m, and Reese"
Katie - "yes Reese"
Guy at mc donalds "no we only have oreo, m&m, and Reese"
Katie - "okay I'll take Reese"
November - 
Lita - "You can't talk to me I'm in a Bubble."
Bruce - "No I am in the bubble first"

December -
Katie - "Holy awesome Christmas miracles!  I think I am going to jump-off the wagon into a pool of patron!"
JJ - "Holy hell"
Mom - "Don't thank Satan, thank god!"

1 comment:

  1. I think these are hilarious - especially January, March, July and September! Great idea. I'm going to keep quotes in my iPhone too.
