

California Cousins

Well I did really super poorly taking photos of my cousins while in California - I took most of them with my iPhone and I didn't even really get good quality photos.  Alas I guess I should haul my SLR around more.  But I got to see all my California first cousins and spend some time with them - so I think #24 is well on it's way (although I didn't see Robin or Kelly after the 1st). I spent most of the time with Mark, which was fun as I don't think I'd spent that much time with Mark since perhaps we used to play American Gladiators in Aunt Thea and Uncle Paul's basement.   Mark's grown up to be a good man and I learned that he also has a special knack for singing and enjoys spending lots of time at the gym.  And just like he used to as a kid he still sleeps on the floor most of the night.   It was also good to hang out with Michael and his whole family his kids are so adoreable especially Drewbob who's at the age where he's rolly poly and joyous - I always like the age when babies are fascinated by everything and want to touch it and eat it. 
Anyhow now for my crappy photos...
We played a lot of games - here Uncle Paul is helping Mark at Scrabble (Thea smoke showed us).
And Mark making Drewbob cry.
Mikey tried out the bongos with Thea supervising.
And here's another shot of Drewbob up close - he looks just like Mikey only with Blue eyes.
And here's everyone chilling in the oversized chair. 
Mikey opening his present from Mom.
Kelly getting her things to go for her trips.
Okay so this is NOT my cousins - but I liked the photo anyway.  From the game we played Liars Dice.
Yes Thea Scrabble makes us sleepy.
Robin trying to find someplace to capitalize on points.

This is when I still had consonants just after this I had 7 vowels and that pretty much shot me out of the water.
And there's Michael and Grandpa, and Paul and Brianna at Michael's house.
Oh and here we have Mark singing - I would post the video if I knew how to reduce the size so it would fit on my blog.

Mikey and Michael on the drums
And you probably cannot even decipher Pauly in this one but if you look very closey you can see his profile. That is the ONLY photo I took of him so I'm posting it anyway.  Don't be confused by that laughing goatee man - that's Pauly's "twin" cousin Adam
That's all for now.  I'll be back later with some 2010 recap posts.

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