

"Blue Valentine"

Tonight I saw Blue Valentine (another movie down). I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It was real, it was sad, it was funny, and it was a little raunch. I'm on the fence because I love Ryan Gosling (hello - The Notebook, Half Nelson, Remember the Titans), however wasn't so thrilled with the ending. But I love Ryan Gosling. But the ending. But Ryan Gosling - oh and that Michelle Williams she's good too. But the more I think about it I think the ending wasn't bad it was real. Oh and one more thing... I wish Michelle would have brushed her hair, it seemed all knotted the whole time. Instead of sharing photos I'm sharing the trailer as this shows my favorite scene where they were dancing and singing outside a store.


  1. never even heard of this one. should we go see it?

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    oohhh, im intrigued. off to look it up on imdb :)

  3. I don't think it's the kind of romantic comedy uncle paul likes really but what I liked about it was it was different it wasn't expected.
