

Fav Thing Friday - Kicking off Shoes at the Backdoor

Today is Friday and I am picking my favorite thing as - Kicking My Shoes off at the Backdoor!  I'm a person who would prefer barefeet or at least flip flops (I have issues with wearing shoes when I teach too).  So first things first when I get home I like to kick off my shoes, and since nobody enters at the front door they pile up at the back.  
As a result we have a giant mess of shoes as you walk in back there - but I it doesn't make me like kicking them off any less.  I have a basket for the shoes but they still collect on the floor wet boots don't do well on dry shoes.  Oh and did I mention you enter thru my kitchen - the horror.

My mess of shoes looks like this of course only in big people sizes (we also don't drop coats in the mix...>>>
 I'd rather it look like this >>>

Or even this >>>
That however would probably require that I only have like 3 pairs of shoes (and no boots).  Here's to bare feet in the house for Friday.


  1. Ah summer is my time, but I wear croc sandals which just feel like bare feet at the cottage. It's a sign of summer when bare toes are exposed too here in canada

  2. One of my favs too! Only I leave mine by the front door!

  3. We've got shoe piles just inside each door. It's too cold to go barefoot though! Happy FTF!

  4. our kids have this habit - and my least favorite part is when I don't realize it and trip over them all :)

    I never wear shoes in the house, either!

    great FTF

  5. Hi katie,

    Thanks for stopping by and linking up to FTF. Great to "meet " you.

    I dont wear shoes at home ever - even in winter so you're a girl after my own heart.

    I just leave my shoes where I decide to take them off (It's my one bad habit ) so I am consequently always tripping over pairs of shoes in the most unlikely places or yelling at my husband "where are my (insert colour here ) shoes ".

    If I got a basket I'd be horrified by all the shoes in there - so I'm sticking to my "spread them round the house"plan.

    Nothing like bare feet for relaxing. Terrific FTF post!

    Drop by again sometime.

  6. Bare feet rule in this house - all year round.

  7. I have a shoe pile by the door, it stays there until it grows to the stage that we are tripping over them and then they are put away. I love going barefoot at home.

  8. Bah! who needs a basket for a pretty looking back door when it's clear from the pile of shoes that this is a comfy/casual home? Love this favorite.

  9. Mine all pile up by the front door, every now and again they get tidied up but I normally just step over them unless company is coming over.

  10. Kiddo and I are get rid of the shoes as soon as we get in the house, mine usually make to the bed room, but kddo's tend to pile by either the front or garage door. Not one of Dad's favorite things for sure since he's always tripping on them! Great FTF.

  11. I'm a "get your shoes off as soon as possible" kind of girl too. Piles of shoes at the door are a sign you are normal. :)

  12. Well, I always wear shoes because my feet get so cold. If only the warm places weren't so far from Michigan.

  13. I love this FTF, i have to I live in the tropics! We all kick off our shoes and we enter thru the lounge room sliding front door stuff for us either :-) I hated all the shoes building up into a giant mountain so I have an old bookcase which had some shelves divided into sections and I turned it on its side...Bingo.. lots of little cubicles to dump shoes into (not that my husbands ever make it into the shelves!!) there are still shoe mountains but they are contained in the shelves to it doesn't bother me as much :-)
