

Kings Speech Splendid!

The movie of the day today was Kings Speech.  It's quite the contrast to yesterday's Swan Queen.  No shocks no crazy and no vulgarity.  It was history, friendship and lovely.  I must say it was SPLENDIDLY good!  I liked it better than yesterday's movie hands down.  Of course it's no secret that I LOVE history and this is such a beautiful story of friendship and the making of a king.  Who's not a sap for those things.  If you are not familiar with the history of britian's royals Edward VIII abdicated the throne to his brother Bertie who was a studder so he could marry Wallace Simpson a divorcee, and this is story of how he overcame his fears - I'll leave it at that. I don't want to give away too much of the story.  
Anyhow the movie was very well written well acted and well put together.  Colin Firth has Oscar written all over his performance.   And his wife played by Helena Bonham Carter was also great - you might remember her from Alice in Wonderland, Sweeny Todd, Fight Club, Mrs. Potter - I just love her she's so quirky but in this she's an excellent compliment to Colin Firth. 

Another one off my list.


  1. thanks! Another one we'll go to see. maybe next weekend ...

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    yay!! going to add this to the list. saw black swan last weekend. strange. but good.

  3. Awesome. I so want to see this. Dennis wasn't interested so we saw the Vince Vaughn one instead. Maybe I will take myself to the show next week. BTW, I watched Young Victoria this week. Very good. Thanks for recommending it.
