

Movies to See & Black Swan

So I have a list of movies to see in my phone seeing as it's movie award season and which I love almost as much as I love going to the movies.  It's also the weekend for Sundance - which is on my bucket list.  Anyhow my list looks something like this...
Movies to See: 
  • The Social Network 
  • Blue Valentine
  • The Town
  • Greensburg
  • Kings Speech
  • Black Swan
  • I am Love
  • No Strings Attached
  • 127 Days
  • Country Strong
  • Somewhere
  • The Way Back
I am crossing them off one by one.  Today I went to see Blue Valentine, but it wasn't really playing even though the internet said it was so instead we saw Black Swan.  It was good... I want to say really good but I think CRAZY good would be more appropriate.  It surprisingly was NOT anything like I thought it was going to be, some of the scenes were over the top and some were even vulgar (I'm so glad that I didn't take mom to see this last weekend).  I thought it was supposed to be a scary movie but I think it's more of a dark movie not necessarily scary although some scenes you find yourself wanting to look away but at the same time not.  Anyhow if don't mind vulgar you should check it out - I totally see Natalie Portman winning the oscar for her performance. 

Anyhow I'm thinking that I just might have to go to the movies everyday this week so I can get more of these movies crossed off - not really sure if that's doable or if I will do this but I'm thinking about it.


  1. We were going to go tonight, but it's showing too late. Maybe next weekend. Thanks for the review. Can't wait to see the rest of your reviews.

  2. well I like going late and early I just like the early shows because they are cheaper.

  3. Black Swan has been on my list too. I heard the same thing. Incredibly dark, but super good.

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    you summed it up perfectly!
