

Thrusday - Jono's Sun


I wanted to start a new quilt tonight - well I was tired of sewing with the pink fabric. And I didn't know what I wanted to do.  So I asked Jono when he came home for some inspiration he said "a sun."  And with that I started sewing up a sun in probably the most non-conventional manner (Note: I should have had a better plan).  The center gave me the most trouble I should have sewn it before I made completed the circle.  I haven't trimmed it yet as I am not sure if I want it to be a circle, rectangle or square.  He doesn't really have any complimenting blocks yet so it wasn't a real thought out plan. 


  1. I am liking the different design! You'll have to show us what you decide to do. Great colors.

  2. That's really nice! I really admire your creativity.

  3. LOVE!!!!!! I love it all uneven like. I wouldn't trim it. Great colors!

  4. I like the uneven too - although I do not like the "bulk".
