

Yoga with my sisters snuggie

So I've been doing yoga thru the week lately it's a way I break up my day when working from home.  My cable tv offers yoga 24x7 and the program changes monthly so you can vary it up.  Until recently I hadn't invested in a yoga mat as they have them at the Y and I just use a towel at the house.  But the other morning I grabbed Lita's snuggie because it was handy.  
So yoga with a snuggie is NOT adviseable.  I found that I was slipping and sliding all over my hardwoods in the first poses.I eventually just tossed it off to the side.  And then I continued on and I kept hearing this whistling and I was like - yikes I think my furnace is about to blow up.  And it wouldn't stop even when the furnance stopped running.  So I tried to ignore it and go about with some more downward dog.  Well when I finished I went into the kitchen to discover I started making tea before yoga and that was the whistling not the furnace - DUH!  And Jono you got me that teapot so I wouldn't burn down the house - seems I'm determined to anyhow. 
Some thoughts on Yoga.  
1 - I like doing yoga except I cannot stand all that talk about breathing.  
"Breathe tall."
"Don't forget to breathe."
"Extend your breathe with your arms"
Seriously if I wasn't breathing I would be passed out on the floor do people not breathe in yoga?  JJ says it's supposed to center you but I just find it annoying.  
2 - Doing yoga with the TV is not the easiest because you are constantly turning to make sure you are in the right position.  But I find that in class there's some of that too - it might be best to just put sequences of the poses together myself. 
Oh and for the record neither of these photos are me doing yoga they are from here and here.  There is NO WAY I am that graceful or delicate. 


  1. I wish I had more motivation to do yoga. Good for you!

    p.s. I did a very similar thing with my teapot, but it boiled all the water and actually burned a hole in the bottom. Nice....

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    LOVE it!!

  3. Never tried yoga, but my siter is giving me a pilates machine. So excited for that!
