

Rearranged Bedroom = Vivid Dreams

I'm not really one to believe in all that thai chi or feng shay - or whatever it is.  But I do know that since I moved my bed when I rearranged my bedroom about a week ago that I have been having pretty vivid dreams.  Ones that I remember when I wake up - this is actually very uncommon for me.  I'm sure I dream but I rarely remember my dreams when I wake up.  However with my bed in it's new location almost exactly in the center of the room on the south facing wall I remember them.  Last night for example I dreamt...
I was taking a school bus to the airport.  A regular old yellow one.  (Pretty odd - I have taken cabs, limos, car services, my car and friends cars to the airport but I can honestly say I have never taken a school bus).  Anyhow back to the dream - And kids were getting off and on all along the route - the bus even stopped along I-70 to let some little kid off.  And then I missed the stop to get off at IND because I was jamming on my Walkman and not paying attention (not my iPod my walkman).  So I had to get off at ORD (O'hare - I despise this airport).  I woke up before we arrived at O'Hare but we must have been heading there as we passed up the windmills new Lafayette and the Gary Steel mills.   
Pretty bizarre - I know.  
Another dream from last week...

Jono and I were hiking along a cliff where on one side was the ocean and the other side was Indianapolis (yeah like this really can happen).  It was the kind of cliff that you can only really walk one path on and I'm terrified of heights like that or falling from them.  But in my dream I wasn't I was just having a grand ole time hiking.  
And then we came to a spot that was downhill and at the bottom of the hill was a whole batch of rattlesnakes (now I am TERRIFIED of snakes both in my dream and not).  So I take off running super fast like a sprinter but not before one of those snakes jumps up and bites me on the hip (remember post I was bitten by a rattlesnake).  It doesn't let go so I'm running along this skinny little cliff with a rattlesnake flying around on my hip and yelling at Jono to get it off.  Jono knocks me down so he can pull the snake off.  He yanks at the snake and pulls it off - it's head is like 10 times bigger than it should be.  Jono tells me "if this was a jelly fish sting you'd need someone else to pee on you, because that's gross. But not to worry I know exactly what needs to be done I saw this on the DIY channel." - I very distinctly remember him mentioning that he knows from the DIY channel and the mention of the jelly fish.  
He kills the snake with a large snow shovel which apparently he must have been toting around on our hike, then he chops it up with a chef knife and cooks it in a soup pot (which he also must have brought on the hike).  Meanwhile I'm laying in the cliff rocks foaming off the mouth, examining the spot where the snake has bitten me has swelled into three orange sized lumps - two from his front teeth and one from his back (apparently this must be how snakes teeth are duh). 
And then I wake up... sweating in my bed and hoping there are no rattlesnakes in my house coming to get me.  I check to make sure there is no rattler bite on my hip and there isn't.  And I roll over and go back to sleep,  not to resume that dream.   So we will never know if Jono's DIY rattler soup saves my life or if I just decide to get up and finish the hike without the soup.  


  1. Are you feeling more rested or less .. if less you should re-arrange your room. Enough advice - thanks for sharing! So funny (and scary)!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    oh my!! i love dream stories :) these ones are gooood!! i had just mentioned to dave the other day that i should blog my dreams ;) i always thought id be cool to have a machine that would record your dreams so you could watch them again ;) but... that could get some people in trouble...

  3. same amount of rested I suppose although I have had a lot of time for naps recently.

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    as someone who has known you a long time I have one thing to say... "you are weird." ;) - nick
