

2011 The Year of the Penguin - Adventure #2

Well yesterday we completed Penguin Adventure #2 (aka #15). Originally we were going to do this in Indy but then Mom's school could win prize money for getting people to a basketball game so we went to the basketball game we took 6 people to the game and mom's school won the prize money by 6. Yes that's right. I'd like to say it was the Jones and Coers that set her over the top and it's very likely it was us.

I really appreciated that all signs of the Redskins weren't gone. 
It was a girls game which was a little slow and boring but Smash and I used the time to catch up on stuff.

The seats haven't changed since at least the 70's I love that.

So after the game we set out for our penguins. We went downtown because we needed to find the penguin.  We thought we might find one in Wildberry, but we found a lot of other interesting things and no penguins.

Then we went to the Apple Tree or something like that and we were lucky and we found our penguins.  Smash and I got a cookie cutter ones and momo got a puppet one. 
This photo cracks me up I love that everyones mouths are open they didn't even plan on this.
Look there's mom's penguin
And of course we couldn't not ride the cannon.

Then we returned home to find yet another penguin left by mom's friend with a note that said "home is where the penguins are", which was the sweetest thing. 


  1. Looks like a fun adventure!

  2. I would like to give Karen some of these photos for/in a scrapbook!

  3. Momo - Lita can send them to you.
