
Happy New Year - 52 New Goals in 2011

It's that time again - HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Last year I accomplished 34 of my 52 goals, in addition to some of the other awesome things that I didn't set as goals - that's not to shabby I don't think anyway.  A year in review highlight post is forth coming, but in the meantime here is my list of goals for 2011 - I have put a lot of thought in what I want to do this year actually I start making this list all year long as things come up.  Anyhow here's is my 52 in '11. 
  1. Buy a station wagon
  2. Make a Surprise Ball (or 10) - Surprise!
  3. Videotape/record family/friend moments once a month - January,February,March,April,May, June, July, August, September, October,
  4. Win a game of Bananagrams iPhone App
  5. Take a class - No but I taught over 150
  6. Ride a Train (non-commuter) - Done
  7. Eat at West Coast Tacos - eaten
  8. Write mom "real" letters - I wrote 1
  9. Collect something new
  10. Visit Dad's place in Missouri
  11. Do yoga with Lita and/or take her to a club
  12. Hike the jungle or something similar with Jono
  13. Visit a Photobooth a Month - Jan, Feb, March, April, (no May, no June),July,October,
  14. Segway Tour with JJ and Chris
  15. Help Momo collect 12 special penguins on 12 adventures.-Done although I lost count of documenting these organized like #1,#2,#3,#4, #5 no photos no post, #6
  16. Finish the Living room and/or kitchen
  17. Visit several national parks - Assateague Island #1,
  18. Do something with the Amazing Minniears - Lunch Counts
  19. Learn my left from right - Surprisingly I did do this
  20. Visit at least 2 states I haven't visited yet
  21. Create a scrapbook from UK Trip Photos - Finished
  22. Help Schreve with the Wedding - I bought them candy jars - Complete
  23. Organize the garage- ACCOMPLISHED
  24. Spend time with each of my cousins - Started 3 down,7 total
  25. Make jerky or fruit leather
  26. Bike ride with one (or more) of my friends
  27. Make A and Schreve a quilt - Done
  28. Run/Jog a 5K - I ran lots of 5k's just not an organized one
  29. Go to the Farmers Market - Done
  30. Make a quilt with Aunt Thea - Done
  31. Jones and Co summer trip with family - Done,
  32. Restyle/Recycle something - Restyled
  33. Sleep under the stars
  34. Roll sushi
  35. Pray and meditate more often - Done
  36. Dance in the rain
  37. Use up some vintage fabric - Made
  38. Eat ice cream with Aunt Rachel - Done August
  39. Do something artsy with Julie - We quilted together several times.
  40. See the sunrise in the UP - Sunrise we made it!
  41. Make G some cards - Finished and Mailed
  42. Join a Book Club 
  43. Sunbathing and swimming with Jilly
  44. Catch up on watching Mad Men - Season 2 Down,
  45. Savor some time with the Shrums - Complete
  46. Go to the movies once a month - 12+ Jan - Yes, Feb - Yes, March - Yes, April - Yes, May - Yes, June - Yes, July - Yes, August - Yes, September - Yes, October - Yes,November - Yes, December - Yes
  47. Take a trip with a friend(s) - Trip to see Heather,Vermont,
  48. Tour Jeanne's new house - Done
  49. Make a new soup - Done
  50. Buy some new washi tape - Bought
  51. Reach 1000 posts on my blog FYI this one is 861 - 1000 and still blogging
  52. Make a new list.
Oh just a summary on my Big 4 - I really slacked off on this because life happened but I worked on finishing unfinished, learn something new, and blog views are up but that's probably just because everyone wants to know about rugby, because it's so rad.


    Anonymous said...

    oh katiej. how i love you. here are my faves. of yours. 1, 8, 19, 28, 29, 30, 35. HUGS!! (and because it's fun.... my word verification: uptissin)

    Jodie said...

    Hooray for number 18! Looking forward to it. Maybe we can help you with the train ride too!

    Katie said...

    Oh yes that would be awesome if we all rode the train!

    Unknown said...

    Well... I can't wait for #48!

    What does #2 mean?

    Karen C said...

    Love your resolutions! Maybe I should do this - I actually wrote my mom a letter today which was one of the things I wanted to do. Can I shamelessly steal your ideas? I like a lot of your goals...

    Anonymous said...

    Have you chosen a jungle to hike yet? We can settle for some groovy national park instead I suppose. Maybe sleep under the stars on that trip?

    Katie said...

    Jeanne - Google Surprise Ball it's a cool idea. And Karen steal away.

    Anonymous said...

    I'm a little sad coming to Chicago to see us didn't make the list. - Nick