

#3 Best of Life Video Series: January 2011 - This is the New Year

So excited about making these each month it's really fun - I need to learn to add words so they don't look weird so I left them off for now.  I actually made two versions of these one with the original sound (not shown here and one with the music).  This is for #3 on my list.   Making a mental note to take better video for the rest of the year.  Anyhow here is the first segment of the Best of Life 2011 Video Series entitled - "This is the New Year."
FYI the song is Ian Axel - This is the New Year.


  1. How fun! Who was in the water? Seems like you got a lot of Lita .. I liked the dinner scene .. were the snow pictures from boston or dc?

  2. The water was a clip from a movie seen. It's Boston the view from my hotel this week.

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    soooo fun!! loved that song :) lookinf forward to more of these!
