
Movie - Umm Ugh - Inception

 I also saw Inception this week - yep I love Movies (it's also Oscar season if I haven't mentioned it lately).   I umm ugh was not really a fan of Inception.  While they try to explain how the Inception works it's just so far fetched and unbelievable it turned be off.  Additionally I think to explore and fully understand the idea/concept you need a much longer time frame so it makes more sense I can appreciate si-fi and special effects but I didn't so much care for this one and I don't like Leo DiCaprio and his big head.  Although I thought some of the scenes and imagery was nice.  Personally however I think this is a better movie for a DVD, than in person.  


thea said...

i rather enjoyed the movie .. but I saw it ages ago. Certainly not to compare with The King's Speech. We saw the new Liam Neeson one last weekend and enjoyed it .. the name eludes me right now ...

Jodie said...

My kids hated Inception too. Said it was too hard to follow. I saw the Justin Beiber movie yesterday. I actually liked it. It's about how he got his start in music and behind the scenes of his shows. I had only heard one JB song, was not a fan, my boys make fun of him, but the neighbors invited me and I went and was pleasantly surprised.

Katie said...

well that's why the boys and I are pals.

Anonymous said...

i need to watch it again :) i was nervous the whole time watching it the first go round...