

2011 The Year of the Penguin - Adventure #3

My friend recently told me she caught up on reading some of my blog and she was really enjoying the Penguin adventures.  She said that if she could die and come back as anyone she wanted to come back as me so she could adventure.  That made me laugh.  Of course I'm not sure anyone would really want to come back as me, but  I do have one thing to say - you can make your like adventuresome now, your next adventure is just around the corner you make it.
In March we kept the Penguin Adventure (#15) low key.  Partially because we weren't sure what to do and partially because we didn't have a whole lot of time when it came down to the very last weekend of the year - I spent most of the month in other places I only slept in my bed 6 days.   So we packed up the SUV which desperately needs to be realigned (yes I heard that warning Schreve), and headed to Momo's.  At momo's we checked out her new washing machine and dryer - we are so excited for her she desperately wanted it. 
So we made penguins from clay, felt, paper, and beads.  These penguins we are planning on big things for them in April so stay tuned for that.  
We also had a family dinner cooked by the boys -steak and momo made yummy soup.  After dinner we took a walk to an old familiar place - our house on Brookview Ct - this was the site of many adventures of the Jones & Co kids.  We reminisced about some of the dumb things we used to do like cat-stealing neighbors, non-lemonade stands, dumpster diving for treasures for our forts, and playing in the bushes mom used to drive in, and ice skating on the ice in the street.
Anyhow here are some photos from our adventure...
Making the Penguins... Lita and Smash are trying their hands at making perler penguins (FYI they looked like toucans ;o)
We have a shortage of photos of Schreve - we always have so we were sure to take lots of pics of him.  So I took a series of Schreve in the rocker this is my favorite.
Dinner was eaten on our picnic table since we had the crafting on the kitchen table.
Although the picnic table is not big guy approved so Schreve sat amongst the felt and and glue with momo and Karen.

Here we are on Brookview in front of our old house - at one point we had the 7 people living here. It seems much smaller than it ever did in the past - I think I could just hoist myself up on the roof without a ladder I'm that much taller now.    (we thought we were "sorta recreating" this shot - but really we had it all wrong)
I think we also scared the guy who lives there now.  He was I'm sure wondering what the heck we were doing out front.
This was taken in the exact spot where Jono and I once put the station wagon in reverse and we were rolling backwards down the street.
Oh and look there is a penguin I made.
And Schreve put on a tie - he's planning for the wedding you know.
Momo hard at work on penguins.
And one last shot from Brookview.



  1. I remember that house .. glad you had good memories to share .. love the penguins!

  2. Notice how cold it is! It was supposed to be a spring break, but we had snow yeaterday and that snow stuck for a little while.

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    you are too fun :) and what wedding is this?!
