

Fav Thing Friday - This Quilt

This is one of my favorite things.

My great-grandma Muriel made it.  It's in great condition and it's beautiful and I feel so lucky to have been given it (thanks grandpa!)  It's super big and well made.  I also love that it's a piece of my family history.  I know that at least three generations of my family are quilters - me, my aunt thea, and granny who knows maybe more before that and that's pretty sweet.  Anyhow that's a favorite thing of mine.  Thanks for taking the photos Tish. 


  1. You've been quilting longer than me though ... I love the quilt that Granny made. Do you know who she made it for? Are you using it? Does your mom still have hers? I have mine in storage until I have a place to put it -- it's twin sized but I'll put it out when I have a guest room.

  2. I don't really I guess g&g or maybe aunt Dode. Grandpa might know better? I use it for guests who have to sleep on the sofa. Mom's is well used she used to use it all the time and its in a sad state.

  3. Wow that is such a beautiful quilt. That's wonderful that you have it as a reminder of your great grandma.
    A lovely FTF.

  4. Beautiful quilt!

  5. That quilt is amazing. The work in it is incredible. Do you have any idea of how old it is?

    Our family chuck everything out and nobody before my mother was a quilter so I dont have anything as beautiful as your quilt. What a thrill to have something your great grandmother made.

    Thanks for popping into the FTF this week. I really enjoyed your post.

  6. It's even more gorgeous in person. Thanks for sharing it at the last meeting! Super inspiring.
