

Glass Floor for Real and ROM & Other iPhone Goodies - Eh

Here are the missing glass photo shots.  Those are my feet on the glass.  
And here I am looking down - not I'm not passed out.
Heather's boys really wanted to take me to Tim Hortons to "roll up the rim" but we never got there but I did get some tea at the airport and I rolled up the rim right before leaving Ontario.
Another shot of the ROM.

The ROM had some great dinosaurs (never mind that most of the bones were reproductions.  I was still felt like I was in Jurassic park.   You know now that I'm an adult and just shy of six feet tall I and I see the dinosaur bones of T-Rex he's really not that big.

This is my favorite kind I wonder how big their eyes really were?
And there's t-rex - he didn't eat me.

They also had some hieragryplics.  I think that second line says says -  "Winking about a shower in the movie pyshco?"  Or maybe it's "have a nice day"
And there were some mummies - they make me want to travel to Egypt to see the pyramids before they erode away.
I think this is Caesar or Augustus
Oh and look miniatures.

Then parched we left the museum headed straight to that mcdonalds for a soda.  Just an FYI root beer in Canada tastes different but not as funny as coke.   This is the only photo I have of all the Heather's clan - and wouldn't you know it's their backs.  Whoops.
More random shots - I haven't a clue what this was.
Some buildings downtown.
I think this is the University of Toronto which is a big school.  When I asked her boys if they would be attending there they told me "No - Queens College."  I guess that's where John and Heather both went so it's a family thing.
Another shot of the CN tower.
Well that's it for my round up from my trip to Canada.  It was a fantastic time and I cannot wait to return - Heather's family are great hosts - THANKS ONE MILLION TIMES OVER FOR HAVING ME.  I had a great time and I almost didn't leave when I waited an hour in the customs line to leave but I figured I better get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Don't think I'd like that glass floor very much -- you are brave. :) Love the pictures and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!
